Perio Gel & Smile Reminder

The Doctor’s and Staff at Kirksville Dental Group are so excited to announce two new services in our practice.

We have a number of patients in our office utilizing PerioProtect perio trays. Perio trays require medication, periodontal gel and/or antibiotics. In the past you had to go through a mail order pharmacy, Dakota Pharmacy, to receive periodontal gel. We are excited to announce perio gel is now over the counter and can be purchased in our office for a lower cost.

We are also pleased to announce we are now able to send reminders for appointments via text message and e-mail. If we have your information on file (cell ph one number and e-mail address) we are able to send you a message reminding you of your appointment a week prior and a few hours prior to your appointment. Call our office at 660-665-1901 today to update your information. We have already had a number of patients express how excited they are about this new system.   

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